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general concept [idea, notion] 【邏輯學】普通概念。

Includes a toolset for creating persistent worlds ; the general concept is to put the online gaming network into the hands of the players , very much like the “ dungeon master “ role of dungeons and dragons 基本的概念是將聯網游戲網絡放在玩家的手中,與dungeons and dragons中的dungeon master的角色很相象。

general course

In the light of the thought , this paper gives a systematic explanation on the nature , the position , the characteristics , the talent views and the general concepts of china ' s higher vocational education 在此思想指導下,對中國高職教育的性質、高職院校的地位、高職教育的特征、高職教育的人才觀和高職教育的一般理念等五個方面的問題作出了較系統、明確的回答。

In chapter one , it mainly discusses the development of internet and its popularization in institutes of higher learning . the chapter takes internet as a research object and begins with the general concept of internet 以網絡為研究對象,從網絡的一般概念談起,對本論文中的“網絡”進行界定,闡述網絡的興起與發展,以及網絡在高校的普及應用。

This part aims to have a study of some general questions concerning the double jeopardy rule following a macroscopic perspective . it includes the following 3 chapters : chapter 1 : the general concept of the rule against double jeopardy 主要從宏觀角度研究禁止雙重危險規則的一般性問題,包括以下三章:第一章: “禁止雙重危險規則的概念” 。

In iimom , the general concept of model parameter vector , which refers to the parameter vector determined by the designer in the multi - objective optimization model ( such as the weight vector in the weighted - sum meth 在mom中,給出了模型參數向量的一般概念,表示多目標優化模型中需要由設計者設定的參數向量(如加權系數法中的權重向量) 。

The talk is to introduce the general concept of occupational health to the public . there is a discussion on the identification of occupational health hazards , principles of control and preventive measures in the workplace 這是一個向大眾介紹職業健康概念的講座,探討一般工作上會遇到的危害健康因素,并且討論預防及控制措施的原則。

Tourist environmental carrying capacity ( tecc ) has been paid close attention , since it came into being . but its factors are so complicated that a general concept and measuring method don ’ t form until now 然而,由于環境容量問題牽涉到的因素是如此復雜,以至直到現在,還沒有一個普遍接受的概念和計量方法。

The current status of internet development as well as e - business development in globe and china was summarized , then some general concepts and four modes of e - business were presented 概述了互聯網在全球和中國的發展現狀,以及相應的電子商務的發展狀況,介紹了電子商務中的一些基本概念和電子商務的四種模式。

Includes a toolset for creating persistent worlds ; the general concept is to put the online gaming network into the hands of the players , very much like the “ dungeon master “ role of dungeons and dragons 基本的概念是將聯網游戲網絡放在玩家的手中,與dungeons and dragons中的dungeon master的角色很相象。

In the long - term studying it is felt by some researchers that a deeper understanding of the concept of domination in graphs can best be obtained by studying the more general concept of irredundance in graphs 在長期的研究中,一些研究者們發現研究圖的無贅數可以使人更深入的了解圖的控制數理論。

Starting from general concept , effectiveness evaluating models based on queuing theory are not only feasible but also simple in calculation within full consideration of whole effect 基于排隊論建立的艦艇防空抗擊效能評估模型,是從整體觀念出發,宏觀地考慮總體效果,不但切實可行,而且計算簡便。

Let ' s hypothesize that there is a general concept of legitimacy but that this concept is contested ? different theorists have different views about what legitimacy consists in 我們假設有一個“正當性”的一般概念,但是這個一般概念是富有爭議的? ?不同的理論家對于正當性存在于何處持有不同的看法。

Strategic thinking is a general concept that covers activity , idea , mode , way hi thinking through which strategists understand , think , research and resolve strategic problems 戰略思維是戰略家認識、思考、研究和處理戰略問題的思維活動、思維觀念、思維方式和思維方法的總稱。

In addition to using display panels , a video will be shown to introduce the general concept of the esd scheme . information leaflets introducing the scheme will also be distributed 流動展覽還包括介紹公共服務電子化計劃基本概念的展覽、播放短片及派發宣傳單張。

Similar to many other advanced cryptography packages , the bouncy castle package uses type polymorphism extensively to separate general concepts from implementing algorithms 與許多其它高級密碼術包相似, bouncy castle包廣泛使用類型多態性來將常規概念與實現算法分開。

Industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 31 : conformance testing methodology and framework : general concepts 工業自動化系統和集成.產品數據表示法和交換.第31部分:一致性試驗方法和框架:一般概念

Industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - part 31 : conformance testing methodology and framework : general concepts 工業自動化系統與集成產品數據的表達與交換第31部分:一致性測試方法論與框架:基本概念

Apply - ing the general concept of field theory , one can treat both cross section calculation and particle production within the same formalism 而價夸克則被放置在一個新對象? ? remnant中。因此,領頭粒子的行為應由remnant來解釋。

Industrial automation systems and integration - product data representation and exchange - conformance testing methodology and framework : general concepts 工業自動化系統及集成.產品數據表述和交換.一致性試驗方法和構架:一般概念